To eat... and to make a poem about it...
Warning for: Disordered eating
I eat
Because it feels good,
Comforting, easy
I eat
And I continue because
The food doesn't judge me
It tells my monkey brain I am tasting
And it is good
And it keeps away the human brain thoughts
That life is a feud
I eat
And it can be such a relief
When I feel it is balanced and filling
And I'm not terribly weak
I eat
And I can get sickly full
I judge me, I judge me
But I would like to eat more
Because food would never disappoint me
I eat
And I wish it didn't feel like a puzzle
Where if I think too much about it
I eat eat eat
If I think too little on it
I eat eat eat
Where if I am alright
I might.
eat eat eat
I eat
And it makes me feel happy
But the consequences
Make me angry
They crawl away with my stamina
I know they do
Destroy my mind too
(My first psychologist would agree.)
I wish I could run for as long as others
I wish I could climb as faster
I wish I had more air
I don't want to be like this
But whenever I think about it
I eat
I eat
And here's the answer no one wants
That I don't want:
If I loved myself further
If I wasn't so anxious
I would eat
And rarely
eat eat eat
And rarely
judge judge judge
And any added fat would be comfy and fitting
And not a weight
I would eat
And I would
I will try, I will try
I care so much about it
But none of this can fix me
'Let me fix it myself'
But I'm so afraid of the sick
I will eat
and I eat
And it all goes back to eating
It constantly corners me
And projects itself into everyone
I eat
And my plate is seen,
And my belly is big,
And my pants are tight,
And my mouth is full,
And I should not
Sometimes I wish I could eat myself too
Give in to all that eating is
Sometimes I wonder if I'm already doing it
And I wish I could stop
It hurts and
I eat
I waste and
I eat
I want it to end and
I eat.
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