To be insane...
I recently watched The Substance. And then I watched video essays on The Substance. And I am still thinking about The Substance. I am also thinking about recent election results around the world, about the ones making decisions for me in my country and I am left with continuous realization that no one cares. No one cares about women’s autonomy. No one cares about old women. No one cares about ugly women. No one cares about queer women. No one cares about non-white women. No one cares. I am not a woman, but I have the lived experiences of one, I am forced into the societal role of one and I can’t escape it and so all these notions hit me so hard as well. Unless I’m pretty, objectifiable, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, I don’t matter. I matter even less as someone queer. I would matter even less if I was non-white or disabled. And most people don’t understand. They don’t. Why do you feel not valued when you have rights? Laws supporting you? They don’t get t...